Coordinating Council 2024-2025

Coordinating Council Leadership:

Past Chair: Elaine White

Current Chair: Carroll Fadal

Chair-Elect: Linda Dulin

Adult Ministry Chair and Chair-Elect

Kirsten Floyd and Jamie Burnett

Youth Ministry Chair and Chair-Elect

Rae Snyder and Eric Ames

Children's Ministry Chair and Chair-Elect

Christin Wilson and Jean Sury

Finance Chair and Chair-Elect

Neal Knighton and Kristina Campos - Davis

Missions Development Chair and Chair-Elect

Nichole Guthrie and Jennifer Low

Personnel Chair and Chair-Elect

Deirdre Fulton and Ginger Hanchey

Deacon Co-Chair

Judy Cooper and Sara Long

Property Chair and Chair-Elect

Chad Eggleston and Glen Guthrie

Worship & Music Ministry Chair and Chair-Elect

Brandon Cherry and Kevin Watson

Ordination Council

Church Clerk and Assistant Church Clerk

David Lintz and Tiffany Rose